Why are you mapping change tables?

Many restaurants and cafes lack change tables in the bathrooms, even ones that are ostensibly family-friendly. While Yelp and Google provide a lot of details about businesses, they don’t include information about change tables that allow caregivers to plan in advance.

This leads to unpleasant surprises, like realizing you'll have to lay your baby on a grimy, damp bathroom floor in order to change their diaper. The map will help you avoid this!

Who are you?

My name is Michelle, and I've changed too many diapers on bathroom floors.

How can I submit data?

Use this form!

Why don’t more businesses have change tables?

Honestly, great question. Babies are people, and all people go to the bathroom, so it would be nice to live in a society that accommodates this basic need.

Why are you taking your baby to restaurants anyway?

Apparently it’s illegal to leave your baby at home alone, even if your cat is there to supervise!

Are you mapping every change table in Vancouver?

I’ll map any change table submitted to me.

What about Burnaby, Richmond, West Vancouver, et cetra?

Sure, why not. If you submit them, I'll add them.